Birkil, savunma, sağlık, bilişim ve enerji olmak üzere dört farklı sektörde çalışma faaliyeti gösteriyor ve her sektörde alanının en iyi hizmet kalitesini müşterilerine sunmak için durmaksızın çalışıyor.
Birkil, uzun yıllardır müşterilerine hizmet veriyor. Bu süreçte birçok şey değişti ancak değişmeyen tek bir şey var ki, o da; Projeyi can kulağıyla dinlemek!
I’ve decided to go entirely off the grid but had no actual clue where to start. These guys went above and beyond with their support, working out all of the intricacies of the project with me. You’ve done a wonderful job!
Thank you so much! Every single person we’ve dealt with during this project has been a consummate professional. I was very impressed with the care taken by the installers to do the job right and clean everything up afterwards.
Everyone, from the first phone call to the last, has been a pleasure to deal with. All of our requests were taken into account and incorporated into the project. The installation process was astonishingly smooth. Thank you so much.
The most common location for the installation of solar panels is the roof. Most roofs typically have the desired specifications for the installation.